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🎉 We Have Embryos!!

We were waiting to tell everyone the great news and it's finally here, we have our embryos!! A couple of weeks ago on June 24th, our donor had the egg retrieval procedure done and everything went better than expected.

We were notified that from the retrieval, 34 eggs (yes, 34!) were mature! The eggs were then split in half, and they fertilized one half with Ryan's and the other half with Trent's sperm. Of those, 15 fertilized for Ryan and 14 fertilized for Trent, for a total of 29 embryos at this stage... they then wait 6 days for the embryos to grow to determine how many will be suitable for biopsy and freezing. The last optional step is PGT-A testing of the embryos, which we elected to do, that will tell us the gender and if any abnormal chromosomes. Our final count that matured properly, and after PGT-A testing is 8 embryos for Ryan and 9 embryos for Trent, here is a summary of our results:

Ryan- 8 embryos had normal chromosome results. There are 4 XY (male) and 4 XX (female). They are all day 5, grade AA. There is also 1 embryo that has an inconclusive result, and then 2 embryos with abnormal results. Trent- 9 embryos had normal chromosome results. There are 5 XY (male) and 4 XX (female). They are all day 5, grade AA, except for 1 female embryo, which is day 6 AA. There is also 1 embryo that has an inconclusive result, and 1 embryo with abnormal results.

So we are over the moon excited about the results, to have this many day 5 AA embryos is not very common in the research we have done. We are very fortunate with these results and the clinic is confident that we will have way more than enough embryos to start our family. They actually brought up a discussion with us to think about, what we would like to do with the embryos after we are done with them, as they can be frozen indefinitely, and they can either be donated or destroyed. At this point, we have decided that we will donate them to someone in need once we are done creating our family of four, but not 100% sure yet since anything could happen and we just need to take it one step at a time.

For now, we are completely overjoyed as to the results, and can't wait to match with a surrogate now that we are one step closer, we are getting so close!

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We are Ryan & Trent from Minnesota and have started our dream of building a family through surrogacy.  Welcome to our story!


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