🎉 We Are Almost There!!
Just wanted to get a quick update out for all the curious minds 😆 Everything has been going great, both Leo and Luna are growing on track and Jane is also doing very well! Since our last post, there have just been weekly checkup appointments, and Jane has officially relocated into her temporary Airbnb a couple of blocks from the hospital.
The entire team at Children's has been more than amazing to work with and we just had our weekly checkup with them today. We are at 35 weeks and 1 day today, Luna is weighing in at 5lbs 6oz and Leo is at 6lbs 0oz, both doing great and on track for growth! Luna is still breech, but today Leo was cephalic... Jane has mentioned they both have been very very active at night, so there is still a chance Luna could flip around yet. Just in case, they had us schedule our C-section today which would take place on Feb 15th in the event they don't come earlier.
So there we are, we officially have a finish line in our sights, yikes!! We still can't believe our dream is finally coming true and again are so very grateful to Jane, her family, and everyone that has helped and supported us along the way of this journey. We feel as prepared as we can be around the house for their arrival and are just anxiously counting the days now. In the meantime we look forward to spending a bit more time with Jane here before the big day, and we look forward to introducing everyone to our little miracles very soon ❤️
Until then, with much love~
Ryan & Trent
Oh man, you guys have to be going nuts :) Can't wait to meet them!