Transfer Day 🥰
The long-awaited day has finally arrived, and couldn't have gone any better! As of around 2:30 pm PST on 4/18/22, we unofficially became dads ❤️ We of course can not confirm the pregnancy for a couple of weeks yet, but couldn't be more thrilled that everything went as planned.
We ended up arriving in Portland on Saturday and spent the night getting settled into our hotel. On Easter Sunday we spent our time just walking around town and enjoying the city a bit. Unfortunately, most stores were closed for the holiday, but it was just nice to spend some alone time together as we eagerly awaited the arrival of Jane and her husband. As we explored Portland in the afternoon, we started to hear about the storms hitting back in MN, and as a result, Jane's flight was delayed. We were not very concerned though as they were able to get on the next flight out, but felt bad they had to spend so much time waiting at the airport and that it would be a late red-eye flight.
Jane and her husband arrived in Portland around 1 am PST on Monday and being we couldn't meet the night prior, we decided to get together for lunch just prior to the transfer. We had a wonderful lunch with Jane and got to meet her husband for the first time at Cheryl's, a popular restaurant here close to both our hotels. It was so nice to meet her husband, who is hilarious by the way, and reminded us so much of some of our own family members. We spent a good amount of time visiting with them and felt so comfortable and excited about what was to come!
After lunch, we made our way over to ORM for our transfer appointment. It was such a surreal walk as we couldn't believe this was actually happening, I mean our dreams that we have been talking about for the last 8ish years were finally happening!! All 4 of us got checked in at ORM and the staff took Jane back to her room to get ready for the transfer. They then invited us back to visit with Jane and to be with her during the procedure, also providing us with our "spacesuits" 🤣 Once they were ready, they brought us all to the procedure room, and from there everything went very quickly. It was such an amazing and emotional experience to be here during this process, and the staff was so incredibly friendly and pleasant throughout the entire process, and just couldn't have gone any better, a textbook transfer! After that, we stayed with Jane in her room for about 30 minutes, laughing, crying, and everything out of extreme joy and happiness... and then we got released.
We walked with Jane and her husband back to their hotel, where she will be on bed rest the rest of the day and tomorrow as instructed by ORM. We ended up taking a nap ourselves once we got back to our hotel, the emotions and excitement had definitely worn us out. We just spent the rest of the evening hanging out in our room, watching movies, checking in with Jane periodically, and just talking between us about how fortunate we are to be on this journey together and turning in early for the night.
The next morning (today as we type this) we woke all refreshed and excited, checked in with Jane to see how she is doing, and just enjoyed our morning. We are planning to just take it easy today, maybe do a little window shopping and explore a bit of the city some more. At some point will go visit Jane and her husband once more before heading home early tomorrow morning, they will also be heading back home tomorrow afternoon.
This trip definitely will always be one of the most amazing, memorable experiences of our life. We are just so grateful and can't wait to confirm the pregnancy soon. The next step will be appointments back home on the 27th and 29th which will check Jane's levels and will confirm whether or not we are officially dads... so until then, "sticky thoughts" as they say and we can't wait to keep everyone posted once we officially know! ❤️ Ryan & Trent