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Transfer Date Confirmed!

It's been a bittersweet couple of weeks since our last post, but we have some great news, our transfer date has been confirmed and will be on Monday, April 18th 🥳 !!! For the last couple of weeks, we have been watching and waiting for Jane's LH level to surge, which just happened yesterday, and she also went in for another ultrasound/bloodwork yesterday afternoon. ORM confirmed the results and everything is on track, making Monday the big day, we can't believe this is finally happening!

This news couldn't have come at a better time as last week we had to say goodbye to our princess Lola. Lola was our first family member and made it to just over 15 years old, she was the sweetest pug who loved carrots, popcorn, and sunbathing 🥰 As much as we didn't want this day to come, we are relieved in knowing she is no longer in pain and got to cross the rainbow bridge peacefully in the comfort of her bed, surrounded by the ones she loved. She will truly be missed, but we know in our hearts she is up there watching over us ❤️

After saying our goodbyes to Lola last week, we decided to get out of town for the weekend. We were able to coordinate with Jane who was available to meet as well this last weekend. So we drove up north on Saturday, spent the evening reflecting on everything, enjoying our time away, and on Sunday we were finally able to meet Jane in person!! It was the best way to end our weekend, we got to enjoy the most wonderful visit with Jane and her kiddos over lunch. We just can't say enough how amazing she is, and how great her kids are, we truly feel like we have known them our whole lives and can't wait to share in this journey with them!

So our next stop is Portland for the transfer!! We are just finalizing our travel arrangements, but plan to fly out on Easter Sunday to be there with Jane for the transfer on Monday, then likely a day or so of bed rest afterward, flying home Wednesday. After the transfer, it will be about a two-week wait until we can confirm the pregnancy... we will keep everyone posted until then on how everything goes Monday, fingers crossed!!

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13 avr. 2022

I have been following your journey!! TEARS today!! Yeah you guys!! That is awesome news!!! Your big day is on my birthday!! I will send all my birthday wishes in your direction! So happy for you guys! I can't even imagine your flood of emotions and excitement... as I say to my kids and one you can put in your Parenting hacks journal ... you are counting the sleeps until the big day!!! (That way going to sleep sounds exciting and they cant wait to go to sleep!) LOL Congrats congrats congrats!!!!!!!! Praying for you guys, your safe travel and for Jane! Happy Easter too!!


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We are Ryan & Trent from Minnesota and have started our dream of building a family through surrogacy.  Welcome to our story!


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