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Our First Ultrasound 🥰

We just returned home from our first ultrasound, and everything couldn't have been more perfect!! We drove up to Fargo this morning to meet up with Jane for lunch and then proceeded over to the clinic for the ultrasound. It was so nice to catch up as we haven't been able to get together with her since the first transfer attempt. We were definitely anxious and nervous to finally be at this stage but were able to put our minds at ease with the ultrasound confirming that the pregnancy is going perfectly, and now have an estimated due date around 2/16/23 🎉

This news couldn't have come at a more perfect time and the best way to end the week! We flew out to Reno for the 4th of July holiday and spent time with the rest of the family we haven't seen in a while, and had a wonderful time. We returned home on the evening of the 6th (with no flight delays this time lol), and yesterday we celebrated our 6-year wedding/11-year dating anniversary ❤️ Next up is Trent's birthday and then Ryan's birthday, so we have many good things to celebrate and couldn't have asked for a better outcome today!

Jane has been doing really well since the last hCG test, and we still are counting sleeps with her at every step of the way, touching base almost daily. Recently she has started to have more and more morning sickness, which we feel bad about, but also was great news to have over the last week as we eagerly awaited today's appointment. She is a true rockstar though, and is always positive and happy about every step of the journey! Our next step will be another ultrasound on July 28th, with what we assume will be more to follow as the clinic would like to monitor her closely on this journey.

So for now everything is as perfect as it can be, and although a bit early for good ultrasound pictures, we at least have some that we received today to cherish this milestone. We can't wait for the next steps... but for now, we are just so extremely grateful to Jane and everyone involved in this process, it's a true miracle and we feel so blessed to even be at this stage. Thank you everyone for all the love, support, and positive thoughts along the way!!

Much Love,

Ryan & Trent ❤️

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We are Ryan & Trent from Minnesota and have started our dream of building a family through surrogacy.  Welcome to our story!


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