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March Update (2021)

It's hard to believe that we have been on this journey for over a year now, and we are starting to feel like a broken record with friends and family asking for updates to which we can only say that we are "still waiting" to be matched. As of now, there are still 22 families ahead of us, this puts us at about 4-5 months until matched... Covid, you can go away anytime now!!

In January we actually received our first surrogate profile to review, and then another in February. Unfortunately, we did not feel that either of them was a good fit for us as we wouldn't be able to start the process for another year and we prefer not to wait that long. There are also many other considerations that go into our decision like surrogate compensation, potential expenses we would have to cover (lost wages, child care for their children), and lastly, insurance coverage for pregnancy and newborn, whether covered or not and if not then that would be something we would have to purchase on the surrogates behalf. Regardless of these considerations, it comes down to finding the "right" person that you connect with, and everything else is secondary to us.

On a positive note, these first couple of matches made us realize that we are getting very close to matching soon, so that gave us the boot in the rear we needed to get going on embryo creation. So at the beginning of March here we had our first appointment for blood work and physical with our primary care physician, sent in our Sema4 genetic testing kit, and took care of our psychology evaluation. Everything came back clear and good to go, results were submitted to ORM for review, and we got the go-ahead for the next step, to schedule our appointment for sperm freeze!

We have our appointment date set for April 23rd, and since we are already flying out that way, we decided to leave a few days early to visit Trent's family in Montana prior to Portland. Today we were able to book all of our hotel and flight arrangements and are very much looking forward to our upcoming trip!

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We are Ryan & Trent from Minnesota and have started our dream of building a family through surrogacy.  Welcome to our story!


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