Cue The Sticky Vibes!
We are very excited to let everyone know that our next transfer date has been scheduled for this coming Saturday, June 11th!! After our first attempt, we had a meeting with our doctor at ORM and discovered that Jane's hormone levels were lower than normal. He suggested that we try again, only this time we would supplement with additional hormones and much closer monitoring. So we are very hopeful that this next attempt results in the outcome we hope for.
We received this news and write this post as we sit in the Florida Keys on a wonderful vacation with Trent's family. It has been an amazing time here soaking up the sun, ocean and just spending great quality time with the family! We couldn't think of a better way to end our trip but to fly over to Portland instead of Minnesota, and will be heading over Friday after our vacation comes to an end.
We are anticipating everything will go great with the transfer just like last time, and likely will not have another post until we can confirm the pregnancy... so until then, we would appreciate all the "sticky vibes" we can get and look forward to catching up with Jane and her husband!
Thank you all for the continued love and support!!
❤️ Ryan & Trent