🎄 Christmas Update (2020)
Tis the season... to keep waiting! Unfortunately, it's been a while since Covid has started to affect our waitlist times, and new clinic policies, and overall the world has just moved slower over the last few months. Surrogates are still getting matched with intended parents, just at a slower rate than before, and fewer surrogates signing up with the agency lately due to the uncertainties going on.
As of now, we have 29 families ahead of us, but with the slowing rate, we are anticipating about 5-6 more months until we get matched. We have also held off on our embryo creation for now with hopes the world gets a little back to normal soon, regardless we will still need to get started on that part after the new year. In the meantime, we just keep waiting patiently, enjoyed a smaller-sized Christmas this year with a few family members, and are just thankful to be safe and healthy during these times.
We keep reminding ourselves that everything happens for a reason, and what's meant to be is meant to be... so here's hoping that the new year will bring us another step closer to our dream!
Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year!
~Ryan, Trent, Chanel, Milo & Lola