August Update (2021)
Here is our broken record speech again as the waiting continues to be matched with a surrogate, but it's honestly just how it goes, there is a lot of waiting in these journeys, and Covid didn't help that for us. Movement on the waitlist has come to a crawl over the last few months too, currently, there are 8 families ahead of us, so hopefully, only another couple of months until we match with a surrogate!
We did find out that one of the reasons for the delay on the waitlist is for what they call a "sibling journey". These are intended parents like us, but they have already gone through the journey once, so once they are ready for their second journey, they get bumped to the front of the list so that there is less of a wait or age difference between siblings. Covid did slow down the number of surrogates signing up to be gestational carriers, but also a lot of intended parents thought it was the right time to start their sibling journey while home during Covid, so kind of a double whammy. But again, we believe everything happens for a reason, we are just grateful for this opportunity to begin with and excited that we will have that same opportunity to be bumped up on the list when it's our time for a sibling journey.
In the meantime, we have been enjoying a ton of "uncle time" this summer as we get to regularly watch some of our nieces and nephews. It is so amazing and fun to be able to spend time with them regularly, and think they are just as excited as us to have our first baby. ❤️
Fingers crossed for some more good news soon!
